Chapter 6 Biology Class 11 MCQs Kingdom Monera MCQs

Chapter 6 Biology Class 11 MCQs Kingdom Monera MCQs

Chapter 6 Biology Class 11 MCQs

Chapter 6 Biology Class 11 MCQs focus on the study of Kingdom Monera which is the most important topic of biology class 11 and also Kingdom Monera MCQs are also very important for medical students to get high marks in medical tests, Kingdom Monera which is a group of prokaryotic organisms that include bacteria and blue-green algae. Kingdom Monera MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) is a common assessment tool used in this chapter 6 Kingdom Monera MCQs to evaluate the student’s understanding of the subject. These Kingdom Monera MCQs cover a range of topics related to Kingdom Monera, such as its characteristics, classification, ecological role, and importance in biotechnology. Answering these Kingdom Monera MCQs can help students consolidate their knowledge and prepare for board exams as well as other multiple-choice-based tests. and also check out previous MCQs of Biology Class 11 Chapter 5 Variety Of Life MCQs

Kingdom Monera MCQs Let’s Get Started

  1. What is the meaning of the word bacteria?
    A. Round
    B. Rod
    C. Spring
    D. Poison
  2. Which one of the following is not true regarding bacteria?
    A. Small sized
    B. Simplest living organisms
    C. Strictly unicellular
    D. Discovered by Rudolf Virchow
  3. Who observes microorganisms for the first time?
    A. Galileo
    B. Leeuwenhoek
    C. Newton
    D. Robert Hooke
  4. Which one of the following is not a part of all bacterial cells?
    A. Flagella
    B. Nucleoid
    C. Cell wall
    D. Cytoplasm
    E. None of these
  5. What is the width of a bacterial cell?
    A. 0.2 – 5μ
    B. 0.5 – 5μ
    C. 0.2 – 2 μ
    D. 0.2 – 20 μ
  6. 2-10 ū is a _ of the bacterial cell?
    A. Height
    B. Width
    C. Length
    D. Radius
  7. Which one of the following is not a feature of bacteria?
    A. Acellular
    B. Strictly unicellular
    C. Simplest form of life
    D. Found in all types of habitat
  8. The bacterial cell contains?
    A. Capsule
    B. Flagella
    C. Cytoplasm
    D. DNA
    E. All of these
  9. Flagella arise from which part of the cytoplasm?
    A. Cytosol
    B. Cytogel
    C. DNA
    D. Basal bodies
  10. An appendage of the bacterial cell, which helps it in locomotion, is known as a?
    A. Capsule
    B. Flagella
    C. Cytoplasm
    D. DNA
  11. The process of conjugation in bacteria is performed by?
    A. Pilli
    B. Flagella
    C. Cytoplasm
    D. DNA
  12. A protective shield that is made up of polysaccharides and proteins, increases the pathogenicity of bacteria is known as?
    A. Capsule
    B. Flagella
    C. Cytoplasm
    D. DNA
  13. Does Capsule make the process of __ difficult?
    A. Defence
    B. Phagocytosis
    C. Pinocytosis
    D. Disease spread
  14. Regarding bacterial cell walls?
    A. Resemble plant cell wall
    B. Totally different from the plant cell wall
    C. Just like a copy of a plant cell wall
    D. Resemble fungal cell wall
  15. The bacterial cell wall is made up of special _ molecules.
    A. Amino acid
    B. Sugar
    C. Chitin
    D. Peptidoglycan
  16. Sometimes _ is present outside the cell wall?
    A. Flagella
    B. Slimy capsule
    C. Pilli
    D. Envelope
  17. Regarding slimy capsules?
    A. Increase pathogenicity
    B. Prevents phagocytosis
    C. Made up of polysaccharides
    D. All of these
  18. Which of the following bacteria lacks a cell wall?
    A. Streptococcus
    B. Streptobacillus
    C. Archaebacteria
    D. Mycobacteria
  19. In Gram’s staining, gram-positive bacteria stain while Gram’s negative bacteria stain.
    A. Purple, blue
    B. Pink, yellow
    C. Purple, pink
    D. Yellow, red
  20. Part of which bacterial cell wall attached to the cell wall membrane act like a _ center?
    A. Excretory
    B. Respiratory
    C. Nervous
    D. Digestive
  21. What is mesosome?
    A. Invagination of cell wall
    B. Septa formed by cytoplasm itself
    C. Invagination of cell membrane
    D. Inner protruding part of the capsule
  22. Which one of the following is not a function of mesosome?
    A. Helps in cell division
    B. Helps in DNA replication
    C. Act as a site for enzyme export
    D. Helps in excretion
  23. The hereditary material of the bacterial cell is concentrated in an area called?
    A. Bacterial chromosome
    B. Chromatin bodies
    C. Both of these
    D. None of these
  24. On the basis of their shapes, bacteria are divided into?
    A. One class
    B. Two class
    C. Three class
    D. Four class
  25. What are cocci?
    A. Rod-shaped bacteria
    B. Round/spherical-shaped bacteria
    C. Spring-shaped bacteria
    D. Comma-like bacteria
  26. If cocci are arranged in a form of bunch , then this bunch is termed as?
    A. Streptococci
    B. Staphylococci
    C. Diplococci
    D. Sarcina
  27. What is diplococci?
    A. Pair of cocci
    B. Cube of cocci
    C. Chain of cocci
    D. Bunch of cocci
  28. What are bacilli?
    A. Rod shaped bacteria
    B. Round/spherical shaped bacteria
    C. Spring shaped bacteria
    D. Comma like bacteria
  29. If bacilli are occur in a form of pair then they are known as ?
    A. Diplobacilli
    B. Stroptobacilli
    C. Monobacillus
    D. All of these
  30. Spring Shaped bacteria are known as?
    A. Coccus
    B. Bacillus
    C. Spirilla
    D. Vibro.

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