Biology Class 11 Chapter 5 Variety Of Life MCQs

Biology Class 11 Chapter 5 Variety Of Life MCQs

Biology Class 11 Chapter 5 Variety Of Life MCQs

Biology class 11 chapter 5 variety of life MCQs refers to a section of a biology book of Sindh textbook Board. These Biology MCQs are specially designed for students of 11 class. This chapter variety of life covers the different concepts of the variety of life, which includes the study of different types of living organisms and their characteristics, classification, and evolution, etc. these biology MCQs are very helpful for the student’s medical field that can prepare them a variety of life MCQs MDCAT.

In this section variety of life MCQs, students may be asked to identify different organisms based on their characteristics, classify organisms into different taxonomic groups, or explain the process of evolution. variety of life MCQs can be an effective way for students to reinforce their understanding of the material and prepare for exams and get high marks in different tests.

Biology MCQs From Chapter 5 Variety of life MCQs

  1. Who presented binomial nomenclature?
    A. Stanley
    B. Marguilis
    C. Robert Whittaker
    D. Carlos Linnaeus
  2. By using which of the following branches of science we can classify living organisms?
    A. Genetics
    B. Homology
    C. Morphology
    D. All of these
  3. The five kingdom system of classification was presented by?
    A. Robert Whittaker
    B. Carlos Linnaeus
    B. Marguilis
    D. Schwartz
  4. What is the reason behind presenting binomial system of classification?
    A. To give living organisms scientific names.
    B. To ease the classification of organisms which was very difficult.
    C. To arrange organisms by a systemic method.
    D. All of these
  5. What is homology?
    A. Study of morphologically similar structure
    B. Study of structures which are similar in their basic scheme
    C. Classification of organisms which belongs to same family at a same time.
    D. Study of those phenomenon which have similar origin.
  6. How marguilis and Schwartz corrected five kingdom system of classification?
    A. They add new kingdoms
    B. They reduce the number of kingdoms.
    C. They did not correct the system.
    D. None of these is true.
  7. Why binomial nomenclature is named so?
    A. It is a system of classification.
    B. Give an organisms two names.
    C. Scientific way of classification.
    D. None of these
  8. What is the correct sequence of classification of living organisms?
    A. Species, Genus, family, class, phylum and kingdom.
    B. Kingdom, phylum, family, class, species, orger and Genus.
    C. Genius, species, family, class, order, phylum and kingdom.
    D. Phylum, kingdom, genius, family, species, order, and class.
  9. In the name of “Triticium indicum “, indicum means ?
    A. Class
    B. Order
    C. Family
    D. Genius
    E. Species
  10. What are taxons?
    A. Way of classification
    B. Units of classification
    C. System of classification
    D. None of these
  11. What does the word “virus” means?
    A. Smell
    B. Poison
    C. Dirty air
    D. Contaminated water
  12. It was generally believed in old ages that _ are carried out by winds and causes many unexplainable diseases?
    A. Viruses
    B. Bacteria
    C. Fungi
    D. Paramecium
  13. 1st virus discovered was?
    A. Polio virus
    B. HIV
    C. TMV
    D. Rhino virus
  14. Who reported virus for the 1st time?
    A. Stanley
    B. Iwanowsky
    C. Newton
    D. Alexander Fleming
  15. Iwanowsky reported virus in _ A.D?
    A. 1890
    B. 1892
    C. 1894
    D. 1896
  16. Which instruments helps in a great deal for the discovery of virus?
    A. Telescope
    B. Barometer
    C. Electron microscope
    D. Slit lamp
  17. Regarding virus?
    A. Acellular in nature
    B. Always parasitic nature
    C. Cannot live without host
    D. Inactive outside the host cell
    E. All of these
  18. Which one of the following is not a part of viral structure?
    A. Capsid
    B. Envelope
    C. DNA
    D. Tail fiber
    E. Nucleus
  19. Virus can be of?
    A. Sphere shaped
    B. Golf ball like
    C. Rod shaped
    D. Tadpole like
    E. All of these
  20. What is viral genome?
    A. DNA of virus
    B. RNA of virus
    C. Nucleic acids of virus
    D. All of these
  21. Regarding viral capsid?
    A. Made up of protein
    B. Made up of amino acid called capsomeres
    C. Outer coat of virus
    D. All of these
  22. Some viruses have __ which increase their infectivity?
    A. Capsid
    B. Envelope
    C. Tail fibers
    D. DNA
  23. Genetics material of animal and bacteriophage virus is?
    A. DNA
    B. RNA
    C. Plasmids
    D. Free genome molecules
  24. Virus can be divided into?
    A. Six classes
    B. Seven classes
    C. Eight classes
    D. Nine classes
  25. Regarding undeveloped plus strand RNA virus?
    A. Directly act as mRNA
    B. Not enveloped
    C. Surrounded by capsid
    D. All of these
  26. Which one of the following lacks capsid and no associative proteins are found on them?
    A. Bacteriophage virus
    B. Viroids
    C. Plus strand RNA virus
    D. None of these
  27. Life cycle of a virus can be divided into?
    A. One type
    B. Two types
    C. Three types
    D. Four types
  28. A life cycle in which host and guest relationship established between virus and bacteria is called?
    A. Lytic cycle
    B. Lysogenic cycle
    C. Both of these
    D. None of these
  29. A life cycle in which master and slave relationship established between virus and bacteria is called?
    A. Lytic cycle
    B. Lysogenic cycle
    C. Both of these
    D. None of these
  30. Viruses which destroy bacteria after completion of their life cycle are called?
    A. Temperate viruses
    B. Virulent viruses
    C. Both of these
    D. None of these

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