Best Biology chapter 8 Kingdom Fungi MCQs Class 11

Kingdom Fungi MCQs Class 11

kingdom fungi mcqs class 11

Kingdom Fungi MCQs Class 11 are here, which is the 8 chapter in the curriculum of the Class 11 book biology topic Fungi MCQs. This chapter focuses on the kingdom fungi classification, structure, and functions of Fungi MCQs, This post contains 50 multiple choice questions of kingdom fungi MCQs class 11 These Kingdom Fungi MCQs questions can cover a variety of topics, including the types of fungi MCQs, their life cycles, reproduction, ecological roles, and economic importance, etc. The study of Kingdom Fungi is an important part of the Biology Book of class 11, as fungi play critical roles in nutrient cycling, decomposition, and symbiotic relationships with other organisms. Additionally, many fungi have been used for various purposes, such as food production, medicine, and biotechnology. Overall, studying chapter 8 biology class 11 MCQs provides students with a better understanding of the diversity and importance of fungi in the natural world and helps them develop critical thinking skills through the MCQs. Fungi MCQs are a very important topic for medical students which is covered in chapter 8 biology class 11 Fungi MCQs are here. Explore more for Biology MCQs

Fungi MCQs Let’s Get Started

1. Fungi have characteristics mitosis during which nuclear membrane does not break the spindle is formed within nucleus this mitosis is known as?
A. Spindle – mitosis
B. Nuclear – mitosis
C. Specialized – mitosis
D. Nuclear membrane – mitosis

2. The hypha in which cytoplasm moves effectively, distributing the material throughout the body of fungus is termed as?
A. Non-septate hyphae
B. Septate hyphae
C. Coenocytic hyphae
D. Both a and c

3. Which of the following is not found in yeast?
A. Nucleus
B. Hyphae
C. Nuclear membrane
D. Lignin

4. Fungi obtain their food directly from their environment after digesting food material and termed as?
A. Absorptive autotrophs
B. Absorptive decomposers
C. Absorptive heterotrophs
D. Absorptive predators

5. How oyster mushroom obtain it’s food?
A. Carnivorous
B. Herbivores
C. Parasites
D. Mutualists

6. The best example of symbiotic association between fungi and blue green algae are?
A. Mycorrhizae
B. Yeast
C. Commensalism
D. Lichens

7. Lichens is very important economically, can you explain why?
A. It is an indicator of air pollution
B. Indicator of a disease
C. Indicator of presence of gold
D. All of these

8. Mycorrhizae are example of mutualistic association between fungi and?
A. Algal partner
B. Decomposers
C. Vascular plant
D. Protozoans

9. Which of the following is a type of mycorrhizae?
A. Ectomycorrhizae
B. Protomycorrhizae
C. Endomyccorhizae
D. Both a and c

10. How parasitic fungi absorb food from its host?
A. Through haustoria
B. Through rhizoids
C. Through leaves
D. None of these

11. Which of the following is not a asexual reproduction in fungi?
A. Spore formation
B. Budding
C. Syngamy
D. Fragmentation

12. Dikaryotic hyphae is also known as?
A. Homokaryotic
B. Heterokaryotic
C. Plasmokaryotic
D. Isokaryotic

13. What is the basis of classification of fungi?
A. Morphological characters
B. Ecological characters
C. Asexual reproduction
D. Sexual reproduction

14. All of the following are classes of fungi except?
A. Zygomycota
B. Ascomycetes
C. Basidomycota
D. Cleistomycota

15. Which of the following is the smallest group of fungi?
A. Zygomycota
B. Ascomycota
C. Basidomycota
D. Ccleistomycota

16. Yeast, common molds, and powdery mildew belongs to which class of fungi?
A. Zygomycota
B. Ascomycota
C. Basidomycota
D. Cleistomycota

17. In ascomycetes, what is the function of ascus?
A. Physiologic function
B. Cellular function
C. Morphologic feature
D. Sexually reproductive structure

18. In ascomycetes female gametangia i.e ascogonia has broken like outgrowth which is known as?
A. Apothecium
B. Trichogyne
C. Ascocarp
D. Cleistothecium

19. A process of breaking down of glucose into carbon dioxide and ethanol is known as?
A. Fermentation
B. Respiration
C. Glycosylation
D. Ethanolysation

20. The most widely domesticated yeast used for the production of wine are named as?
A. Spermopthora gossypll
B. Nematosopra phaseoli
C. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
D. Hansenual saturnus

21. Candida is a pathogenic yeast cause diseases especially in female in the which of the following organs.
A. Vagina
B. Breast
C. Brain
D. Bone

22. Mushrooms, toadstools, puffballs and shelf fungi are included in the division of fungi whose names as?
A. Zygomycetes
B. Ascomycetes
C. Basidiomycetes
D. Cleistomycetes

23. Deutromycota are also known?
A. Fungi perfecta
B. Fungi cinseptate
C. Fungi septate
D. Fungi imperfecti

24. Pencillium and aspergillus are economically very important and belongs to?
A. Fungi perfecta
B. Fungi septate
C. Fungi unseptate
D. Fungi imperfecti

25. Some strains of aspergillus flavus produce most carinogenic myotoxin called?
A. Betatoxin
B. Alfatoxin
C. Aflatoxin
D. Ergostimine

26. All of the following signs and symptoms are produced by fungi poison except?
A. Vaginal infection
B. Nervous spasm
C. Psychotic delusion
D. Gangrene

27. All of the following are economic losses due to fungi except?
A. Fermentation of glucose
B. Ergot of rye
C. Red rot of sugar cane
D. Powdery mildew

28. Body of fungi is termed as?
A. Heterocytes
B. Homocytes
C. Mycelium
D. Myelin

29. Why fungi was previously placed in plants?
A. Being non-motile
B. Autotroph
C. Lack centrioles
D. Both a and c

30. Choose the disease which is not caused by fungi?
A. Aspergillosis
B. Moniliasis
C. Athlete’s foot
D. Monoeytosis

31. Coenocytic hyphae in regard to a number of nuclei is considered as?
A. Multinucleated
B. Uninucleated
C. Polynucleotide
D. III-defined nucleated

32. It has been estimated that a mushroom produces how many spores?
A. 400 million spores
B. 40 million spores
C. 400 trillion spores
D. 40 trillion spores

33. Which of the following antibiotic is obtained from fungi except?
A. Neomycin
B. Terramycin
C. Chlorelin
D. Pencillin

34. Skin diseases caused by fungi e.g athlete’s foot and ringworms belongs to which class of fungi?
A. Fungi perfecti
B. Fungi imperfecti
C. Basidomycotes
D. Ascomycotes

35. The best example of mutualistic association between fungi and root of vascular plant is termed as?
A. Parasitism
B. Lichens
C. Mycorrhizae
D. None of these

36. Choose the nucleus of fungi which is diploid in nature?
A. Haploid spore
B. Diploid spore
C. Diploid conidia
D. Diploid zygote

37. If fungal hyphae penetrate outer cell of plant root of vascular plants then it is termed as?
A. Endomycorrhizae
B. Ectomycorrhizae
C. Mesomycorhizea
D. None of these

38. Uni- cellular yeast reproduce commonly by which of the following method?
A. Spore formation
B. Conidiophore formation
C. Budding
D. Fragmentation

39. In process of sexual reproduction in fungi which of the following will fuse first?
A. Cytoplasm
B. Nucleus
C. Protoplasm
D. Cell membrane

40. Process in which the cytoplasm of fungal cell is fused is called?
A. Cytogamy
B. Protoplasmgamy
C. Plasmogamy
D. Nucleogamy

41. In which conditions fungi will grow best?
A. Wide rang PH (2 to 9)
B. High osmotic pressure
C. Wide range of temperature
D. Plenty of organic material

42. Fungi store surplus food in their cytoplasm in the form of?
A. Lipid droplets
B. Glycogen
C. Cellulose
D. Both a and b

43. Following statement about fungi are true except?
A. Fungi are saprophytic heterotrophic eukaryotes
B. Body is composed of hyphae
C. Cell wall made up of cellulose and protein
D. Fungi produce spore during sexual and a-sexual reproduction

44. Which class of organisms is considered as chief decomposers of the world 0?
A. Fungi and bacteria
B. Fungi and virus
C. Fungi and algae
D. Fungi and plants

45. Zygomycota lacks septa in their hyphae except when they form which of the following structure?
A. Gametangia
B. Sporangia
C. Basidia
D. Both a and b

46. Collection of hyphae which forms a highly organized structure is termed as?
A. Fruit body
B. Haustoria hyphae
C. Syngamy
D. Trichogyne

47. Which of the following condition is most suitable for growth of fungus?
A. Humid habitats
B. Dry habitat
C. Moist habitat
D. All of these

48. Asexual reproduction in Ascomycota takes place by means of?
A. Conidia
B. Ascus
C. Basidia
D. Zygospores

49. Basidomycotes represent important plant pathogen which is?
A. Ring and flatworms
B. Rusts and Smuts
C. Aspergilosus and aflatoxin
D. Rhadotorula

50. In Zygomycota spore are produced through specialized sporangia formed on specialized erect hyphae which are known as?
A. Sporangiophore
B. Sporngium
C. Sporegiocytes
D. Sporogomycetes.

Kingdom Fungi MCQs Answer Key

Kingdom Fungi MCQs Answer key

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