Biology MCQs | Biology MCQs with answers Best Quiz

Biology MCQs Biology MCQs with answers

Biology MCQs: biology MCQs with answers

What’s the one thing you can do to boost your score on the biology MCQ test? If you said to take these biology MCQs with answers, then you’re absolutely right! We know that you want nothing more than to ace your next exam, which means it’s time to brush up on your understanding of biology in order to ensure that happens. These multiple choice questions were taken from these topics cell Biology MCQs peroxisomes, Mitochondria, Golgi bodies, etc. This website PAK MCQs biology Multiple choice questions.

  1. what is the correct value for the differential centrifugation for mitochondria isolation?
    a.150,000g/ 3 hours
    b.100,000g/ 60 minutes
    c.20,000/g 15 minutes
    d.800g/ 10 minutes
    Answer: c.20,000/g 15 minutes
  2. In 1958 F.C steward developed the idea of;
    a. Electrophoresis
    b. Tissue culture
    c. Differential staining
    d. cell isolation
    e. chromatography
    answer: Tissue culture
  3. which of the following chemical substances are missing in primary and secondary cell walls respectively?
    a. cellulose and hemicellulose
    b.pectin and lignin
    c. hemicellulose and pectin
    d. lignin and pectin
    e. non of these
    Answer: lignin and pectin
  4. the cementing layer pectates of calcium and magnesium found between two adjacent plant cells is called:
    a. plasmodesmata
    b. primary cell wall
    c. secondary cell wall
    d. inter grana
    e. middle lamella
    Answer: e. middle lamella
  5. which is/are the compulsory structure/s for a single parenchymatous or meristematic plant cell in the following structures?
    a. primary cell wall
    b. middle lamella
    c. secondary cell wall
    d. both a and b
    e. All a,b, and c
    answer: a. primary cell wall
  6. the cell membrane is about thrice to four times thicker than the DNA diameter, it’s about:
    a. 7-8 nm thick
    b. 60-90 nm thick
    c. 01um thick
    d. none of these
    Answer: a. 7-8 nm thick
  7. which of the following substances do not show active transportation across the cell membrane?
    a. Gas molecules like O2 and CO2
    b. Minarls like Na+ and K+
    C. organic molecules like amino acids and glucose
    d. both a, and b
    e. both b and c
    answer a. Gas molecules like O2 and CO2
  8. which of the following chemicals is not a component of a cell membrane at all:
    a. cholesterol
    b. Nucleoproteins
    c. lipoproteins
    d. Glycolipids
    e. none of the above
    Answer: b. Nucleoproteins
  9. which of the following organelles is the largest cell organelle from cell membrane point of view?
    a. mitochondria
    b. chloroplasts
    c. Nucleus
    d. Endoploasmic reticulum
    Answer: d. Endoploasmic reticulum
  10. Ribosomes are attached with rough endoplasmic reticulum by:
    a. Tubulin proteins
    b. Antigenic receptors
    c. Endophorin proteins
    d. Ribophorin proteins
    e. porins proteins
    Answer: D. Ribophorin proteins
  11. which of the following are the components of rough endoplasmic reticulum?
    a. cisternae
    b. Tubules
    c. vesicles
    d. both a and b
    e. both b and c
    Answer: a. cisternae
  12. what is the commonality between the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies?
    a. both contain ribosomes on their surface
    b. both are single membrane-bound organelles
    c. both are elongated and hollow inside
    d. All a, b, and c
    e. All except a
    Answer: a. All except a
  13. which cell organelle is involved in alcohol detoxification?
    a. Golgi bodies
    b. Endoplasmic reticulum
    c. peroxysomes
    d. both a and b
    e. both b and c
    Answer: e. both b and c
  14. 70s ribosomes their circular DNA, electron transport chain, christie, and elementary particles are characters of:
    a. Endoplasmic reticulum
    b. Golgi bodies
    c. chloroplast
    d. Mitochondria
    e. none of these
    Answer: d. Mitochondria
  15. which is the function of peroxisomes?
    a. production of the hydrogen peroxide
    b. Detoxification of the hydrogen peroxide
    c. Involved in photorespiration
    d. both a and b
    e. All a, b and c
    Answer e. All a, b, and c
  16. porin proteins are found in the:
    a. outer membrane of a nucleus
    b. the outer membrane of mitochondria
    c. outer membrane of chloroplasts
    d. both b and c only
    e. All a, b and c
    Answer e. All a, b and c
  17. which of the following cell organelles are about the size of bacteria?
    a. Ribosomes
    b. Endoplasmic reticulum
    c. Mitochondria
    d. peroxysomes
    e. none of these
    Answer: c. Mitochondria
  18. All of the following are microtubules structures EXCEPT:
    a. cilia
    b. pilli
    c. spindle fibers
    d. actin and myosin filaments
    e. All are the microtubules
    Answer; d. actin and myosin filaments
  19. which is the cell organelle in plant cells whose job is to convert lipids into carbohydrates.
    a. Golgi bodies
    b. Endoplasmic reticulum
    c. glyoxysomes
    d. peroxysomes
    e. none of these
    Answer: c. glyoxysomes
  20. all biological membranes contain phospholipids are their Skelton, which is synthesized in:
    a. Golgi bodies
    b. Endoplasmic reticulum
    d. peroxysomes
    e. none of these
    Answer: b. Endoplasmic reticulum
  21. 22. Which is the following organelles is responsible for oil storage in certain plant cells?
    a. Elaioplast
    b. Etioplast
    c. Amyloplast
    d. chloroplast
    e. chromoplast
    Answer: a. Elaioplast
  22. which mineral in involved in the attachment of both the sub-units of ribosomes during translation (proteins synthesis)?
    a. K+
    b. Ca++
    c. Mg++
    d. Na+
    e. None of these
    Answer: c. Mg++

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