Biology Chapter 1 MCQs Class 11

Biology Chapter 1 MCQs Class 11

Biology Chapter 1 MCQs Class 11 are here – Get ready for your upcoming exams with this in-depth guide on Biology Chapter 1 from Sindh text board MCQs meant specifically for beginning students of Class 11. This meaningful guide offers the ultimate test preparation solution for biology chapter 1 multiple choice questions (MCQs) intended for class 11 students. these biology MCQs will helpful for medical students to pass the tests of medical universities. Explore the PAK MCQs website for more MCQs including bio MCQs as well as other chapters’ multiple choice questions.

Biology Chapter 1 MCQs class 11 Let’s Get Started

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1. From which of the following language, the Greek word biology is derived?


2. kingdom Monera include which of the following organism?


3. Smallest microscopic organisms are


4. Microbiology is the study of.


5. Group of multicellular, non-chlorophyll-us living organisms, having cell walls made up of chitin is termed a?


6. Which of the following includes Kingdom Protoctista?


8. In which of the following organism we will find a cell wall?


9. Almost all organisms of the kingdom Plantae have a feature common to them which is?


10. What Cell walls of organisms of the kingdom Plantae are made up of?


11. Study of the interaction of organisms with each other and their environment is dealt with under the heading?


12. Study of organisms which inhabitants of sea and ocean are dealt by name of?


13. Study of living organisms in the pond is dealt with under the heading of.


14. A person who lives In Karachi and he is an aquatic biologist then probably a?


15. In which of the following do we deal with the study of parasites?


16. The branch of biology that deals with the social interaction of organisms with each other are known as?


17. Which of the following is considered a small unit of matter?


18. Combinations of atoms of the same or different types are termed?


19. Living organisms contain which of the following compounds?


20. Which of the following is considered as the smallest unit of life?


7. Mycelium is a body of which of the following?


Class 11 Bio Important Questions

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