Best Physics MCQs class 11 chapter wise MCQs with answers

Physics MCQs class 11

Physics MCQs for class 11 for preparation for any exam. These physics MCQs will help you in NTS/STS/MDCAT and many more exams and multiple choice question-based tests. we cover three topics in physics MCQs 11 class This article has wave MCQs, motion MCQs, as well as sound MCQs these topics are very important in physics, and this physics MCQs 11th class blog post will help you to ace physics. we sharing physics MCQs for class 11 chapter-wise with answers to this part two of wave sound and motion, you must visit this section of Physics MCQs with answers for part 1 for a better understanding of physics

physics MCQs class 11 with Answers

  1. if the diameter of a string is 4 times larger than the present string, which it replaces then the speed of the waves decreases by
    a. 4 times
    b.16 times
    c. 8 times
    d. 2 times
    4 times
  2. If the transverse wave’s wavelength is 20 cm and its period is 2 seconds, then the wave speed is
    a. 0.001m/s
    b. 1m/s
    c. 0.1 ms-1
    d. 0.01 ms-1
    0.1 ms-1
  3. if a 1-m long string possesses a wave velocity of 200 ms-1, then the frequency of its oscillations is
    a. 700 HZ
    b. 450 HZ
    c. 100 HZ
    d. 25 HZ
    100 HZ
  4. when a source of sound moves away from a stationary observer, there is
    a. an apparent decrease in wavelength
    b. increase in pitch
    c. an apparent increase in phase
    d. decrease in pitch
    decrease in pitch
  5. Suppose a string is vibrating in its fundamental mode. to make it vibrate with the frequency of the text higher mode, the tension must
    a. halved
    b. double
    c. tripled
    d. quadrupled
  6. The acceleration of a body in SHM is always directed towards the equilibrium position because the direction of acceleration is the same as the direction of.
    a. The restoring force
    b. the applied force
    c. the velocity
    d. the displacement
    The restoring force
  7. The vibration is which ….. obeys Hooke’s law is always in simple harmonic motion.
    a. restoring force
    b. applied force
    c. momentum
    d. kinetic energy
    restoring force
  8. A driven 0scillator moves with a large amplitude if the driving force has ….. equal to the natural frequency and this frequency of maximum response is known as “resonance frequency”
    a. period
    b. dispalcement
    c. momentum
    d. frequency
  9. The pattern in which a wave on a string resonates is called a
    a. plus
    b. standing wave
    c. progressive waved. d. complex wave
    standing wave
  10. The minimum frequency required to produce a stationary wave is called
    a. harmonic
    b. Overstone
    c. threshold frequency
    d. fundamental frequency
    fundamental frequency
  11. Sound waves travel through the air under …… conditions.
    a. adiabatic conditions
    b. isothermal conditions
    c. isobaric conditions
    d. resonate state
    adiabatic conditions
  12. The velocity of a body executing simple harmonic motion is maximum.
    a. at an extreme position on either side
    b. between extreme and mean position
    c. at the mean position the beginning of the motion
    at the mean position
  13. The acceleration of a body executing simple harmonic motion is maximum
    a. at the extreme position on either side
    b. between extreme and mean position
    c. at the mean position
    d. at the beginning of the motion
    at the extreme position on either side
  14. For simple harmonic motion, the restoring force on a body suspended by a spring is proportional to
    a. the acceleration
    b. the velocity
    c. the negative displacement from the equilibrium position
    d. the displacement from the equilibrium position.
    the displacement from the equilibrium position.
  15. The character of a sound by which shrill and grave voices can be distinguished is
    a. pitch
    b. loudness
    c. intensity
    d. quality
  16. The Doppler effect is useful for
    a. measuring the speed of an automobile
    b. providing a method for tracking the satellites.
    c. calculating speed and direction of airlines.
    d. All of these
    All of these
  17. The Voice of women is shrill due to its high pitch. so its frequency will be
    a. high
    b. low
    c. zero
    d. modulated
  18. Two vibrating bodies of slightly different frequencies produce.
    a. resonance
    b. beats
    c. echo
    d. pitch
  19. The maximum number of beats that an average human can hear clearly per second is:
    a. 5
    b. 7
    c. 13
    d. 21
  20. A sonic boom is heard when the speed of a plane is …… the speed of sound.
    a. equal to
    b. less than
    c. more than
    d. double
    more than
  21. When a seconds pendulum is taken on the surface of the moon (where g = 1.62 ms2), its period will be
    a. 2s
    b. more than 2s
    c. less than 2s
    d. 1.2s
    more than 2s
  22. when a second’s pendulum is taken on the surface of Jupiter (where g = 25.8 ms-2), its period will be
    a. 2s
    b. more than 2s
    c. less than 2s
    d. 2.2s
    less than 2s
  23. The motion of a vibrating body is.
    a. always simple harmonic.
    b. simple harmonic if it is periodic.
    c. simple harmonic only if its acceleration is directly proportional to the displacement and is oppositely directed
    d. simple harmonic only if its amplitude is my minor
    simple harmonic only if its acceleration is directly proportional to the displacement and is oppositely directed
  24. The motion which repeats itself in equal intervals of time is called
    a. rotational motion
    b. rectilinear motion
    c. uniform circular motion.
    d. periodic motion
    periodic motion
  25. if the mass of an object executing simple harmonic motion is increased, its time period.
    a. decrease
    b. increase
    c. remains constant
    d. become damped
  26. the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic when
    a. its amplitude is small
    b. its support is rigid
    c. there is no air resistance
    d. the thread is inextensible.
    its amplitude is small
  27. The amplitude of vibration is the
    a. distance between extreme positions
    b. maximum displacement from a mean position on either side
    c. number of vibrations per second
    d. reciprocal of its frequency
    maximum displacement from a mean position on either side
  28. The period of bodies of equal masses attached with springs of different values of ‘spring constants, executing simple harmonic motion, will be
    a. longer for the spring with a large value of k.
    b. shorter for the spring with a large value of k.
    c. shorter for the spring with a small value of k.
    d. longer for the spring with a small value of k.
    e. both b and c
    shorter for the spring with a large value of k
  29. The direction in which a wave and its energy move is the direction of
    a. the restoring force
    b. the propagation of the wave
    c. the movement of particles
    d. the vibration of the oscillating body
    the propagation of the wave
  30. An increase of the sound level of 20 dB means that the intensity has increased by a factor of
    a. 2
    b. 40
    c. 100
    d. 40
  31. Loudness is measured in decibels and is related to the logarithm of the
    a. sound level
    b. pitch
    c. frequency
    d. intensity

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