MCQs Of Chemistry Class 11 Sindh board

MCQs Of Chemistry Class 11 Sindh board

MCQs of chemistry class 11 Sindh board – if you looking for multiple choice questions on chemistry subject then the Pak MCQs website here are the best 20 MCQs of chemistry so test your knowledge and prepare yourself for different tests like STS, NTS, and universities entrance tests. These MCQs of chemistry class 11 Sindh board are specially designed for entry tests so test your knowledge with this complete chemistry multiple-choice question Guide will also help you in your class tests and exams.

MCQs of chemistry class 11 Let’s Get started

  1. The resultant particle obtained when a hydrogen nucleus accepts a proton is.
    A. Alpha particle
    B. Beta particle
    C. Deuterium
    D. Tritium
    Correct Answer: Deuterium
  2. Uncharged particles among the following.
    A. Alpha rays
    B. Beta rays
    C. Cathode rays
    D. Gamma rays
    Correct Answer: Gamma rays
  3. Isotope of hydrogen with radioactivity property is.
    A. Protium
    B. Deuterium
    C. Tritium
    D. Ortho hydrogen
    Correct Answer: Tritium
  4. When L= 2, possible ‘m’ values are.
    A. -1,0,1
    B. -2,-1,0
    C. 0 only
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: Correct Answer: -2,-1,0
  5. The radius of the first orbit of a hydrogen atom is.
    A. 5.29° A
    B. 0.529° A
    C. 52. 5 ° A
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: 0.529° A
  6. The radius of 10th Bohr’s orbit of hydrogen is.
    A. 5.29° A
    B. 0.529° A
    C. 52. 9° A
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: 52. 9° A
  7. Nitrogen is having three unpaired electrons. It is according to.
    A. Hund’s rule
    B. Aufbau principle
    C. Pauli’s exclusion principle
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: Hunds rule
  8. Which electronic level would allow the hydrogen atom to absorb a photon but not emit a photon?
    A. 3s
    B. 2p
    C. 2s
    D. 1s
    Correct Answer: 1s
  9. Rutherford’s scattering experiment is related to size.
    A. Nucleus
    B. Atom
    C. Electron
    D. Neutron
    Correct Answer: Nucleus
  10. In an atom, no electrons will have the same four quantum number values, the principle is.
    A.Hunds rule
    B. Aufbau principle
    C. Pauli’s exclusion principle
    D. None of these
    E. All of these
    Correct Answer: Pauli’s exclusion principle
  11. The charge of a positron is equivalent to that of
    A. Proton
    B. Alpha particle
    C. Neutron
    D. Electron
    Correct Answer: Proton
  12. The shape of the ‘s’ orbital is.
    A. Tetrahedral
    B. Dumb-bell
    C. Spherical
    D. Pyramidal
    Correct Answer: Spherical
  13. The Bohr model of the atom is built on.
    A. Quantum theory
    B. Law of mass of action
    C. Law of conservation of energy
    D. Law of mass action
    E. None of these
    Correct Answer: None of these
  14. Most penetrating radioactive rays are.
    A. Alpha rays
    B. Beta rays
    C. Cathode rays
    D. Gamma rays
    Correct Answer: Gamma rays
  15. The radius of an anion formed when compared with the radius of an atom is.
    A. Equal
    B. Smaller
    C. Greater
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: Greater
  16. A maximum number of electrons that can be present in n=3 principal quantum number.
    A. 18
    B. 32
    C. 8
    D. 16
    Correct Answer: 18
  17. When an electron moves from an inner orbit to higher orbit, energy is.
    A. Emitted
    B. Absorbed
    C. No change in energy
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: Absorbed
  18. The number of electrons that can be accommodated in the orbit of azimuthal quantum number l=1
    A. 2
    B. 6
    C. 10
    D. 14
    Correct Answer: 6
  19. When cathode rays collide with an object, X-rays are produced.
    A. Metal
    B. Graphite
    C. Carbon
    D. Nonmetal
    Correct Answer: Metal
  20. The shape of the p orbital is.
    A. Spherical
    B. Double dumbbell
    C. Complicated
    D. Dumbbell
    Correct Answer: Double dumbbell

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