Best Gaseous Exchange MCQs Chapter 13 Class 11

Gaseous Exchange MCQs

Gaseous Exchange MCQs MDCAT

Gaseous Exchange MCQs in Chapter 13 of Biology Class 11 provide a comprehensive assessment of students’ understanding of the process of gaseous exchange in living organisms. gaseous exchange MCQs MDCAT cover key topics such as respiratory surfaces, breathing mechanisms, the transport of gases, etc. By testing students’ knowledge and critical thinking skills, this gaseous exchange MCQs class 11 chapter 13 helps reinforce concepts and prepares them for a deeper exploration of respiratory systems and their adaptations. Whether it’s understanding the structure of the respiratory system or grasping the nuances of gas exchange in different organisms, these MCQs on gaseous exchange offer an effective tool for learning and evaluation in the realm of gaseous exchange. These MCQs on gaseous exchange are very helpful for medical students because this Gasese Exchange topic is important in biology that’s why we are sharing these gaseous exchange MCQs this knowledgeable article will helpful for medical students and they will pass medical tests as well as board exams and also job tests. Visite for more biology MCQs.

Gases exchange chapter 13 MCQs Let’s Get Started

1: The process by which living organisms exchange gases through their environment is called?
A: Respiration
B: Digestion
C: Transportation
D: Gases exchange

2: Plants require gases exchange for the purpose of?
A: Cellular respiration
B: Photosynthesis
C: Both of these
D: Non of these

3: Animals exchange gases for the purpose of?
A: Cellular respiration
B: Photosynthesis
C: Digestion
D: Transportation

4: Why elimination of CO2 is necessary for living organisms?
A: CO2 is toxic to cells
B: CO2 is required for photosynthesis
C: CO2 is nontoxic to the brain
D: CO2 not required by animals

5: What are the basic conditions required for the purpose of efficient gases exchange?
A: Presence of diffusion gradient
B: Large surface area for absorption of gas
C: Presence of respiratory surface
D: All of these

6: The medium through which living organisms exchange gases is called?
A: Respiratory surface
B: Respiratory medium
C: Respiratory membrane
D: None of them

7: What is a respiratory medium for terrestrial organisms?
A: Water
B: Sunlight
C: Air
D: Both a and c

8: What is a respiratory medium for aquatic living organisms?
A: Water
B: Sunlight
C: Air
D: Aquatic animals

9: Plants mainly exchange gases through?
A: Stomata
B: Lenticels
C: Root hairs
D: All of these

10: From which structure do plants exchange gases from their stem in the absence of stomata?
A: Stomata
B: Lenticels
C: Root hairs
D: All of these

11: Roots of plants absorb gases from?
A: Water in the air
B water in roots
C: Water in roots hair cells
D: Moisture in the soil

12: The process in which plants release CO2 and absorb O2 is known as?
A: Photosynthesis
B: Photorespiration
C: Transpiration
D: Ascent of sap

13: Plants that perform photorespiration are known as?
A: C1 plants
B: C2 plants
C: C3 plants
D: C4 plants

14: Photorespiration is a __ process?
A: Wasteful process
B: Very useful process
C: Very beneficial process
D: None of these

15: How many ATP molecules are formed by the process of photorespiration?
A: 0
B: 2
C: 4
D: 6

16: Usually plants?
A: Release CO2 and also release O2
B: Releases O2 and absorb H2S
C: Absorb CO2 and releases O2
D: Releases CO2 and absorb O2

17: Which one of the following is not a property of respiratory surface?
A: Thin
B: Wet
C: Large
D: Impermeable

18: The membrane through which the exchange of gases takes place is called?
A: Respiratory surface
B: Respiratory medium
C: Respiratory membrane
D: None of them

19: For efficient gas exchange respiratory surface must be?
A: Thin
B: Wet
C: Large
D: Permeable
E: All of these

20: In unicellular living organisms, the exchange of gases takes place through?
A: Lungs
B: Gills
C: General body surface
D: Tracheal system

21: Ectodermal cells of hydra exchange gases from?
A: From water in the environment
B: From water in the digestive cavity
C: From water inside the body
D: All of these

22: Endodermal cells of hydra exchange gases from?
A: From water in the environment
B: From water in the digestive cavity
C: From water inside the body
D: Both a and c

23: Which one of the following is a structure for gas exchange in hydra?
A: Lungs
B: Gills
C: General body surface
D: Tracheal system

24: Earthworms exchange gases from?
A: Skin
B: Gills
C: Lungs
D: Tracheal system

25: Gases exchange from moist skin is called?
A: Gases exchange
B: Pulmonary respiration
C: Skinner exchange of gases
D: Cutaneous respiration

26: Respiratory system of cockroach is known as?
A: Pulmonary system
B: Tracheal system
C: The counter-current system
D: Cutaneous system of gases exchange

27: Spiracles are?
A: Internal openings of the tracheal system
B: External opening of the tracheal system
C: Cells of the tracheal system
D: Structures through which removal of CO2 occurs

28: Which structure of the tracheal system delivers oxygen directly to cells?
A: Spiracles
B: Trachea
C: Tracheoles
D: None of these

29: Blood of insects?
A: Contain Hb:
B: Contain iron
C: Contain WBC
D: Do not contain Hb
E: Both c and d

30: There are _ pairs of abdominal spiracles in insects?
A: 2
B: 6
C: 8
D: 10

31: CO2 is removed through _ in insects?
A: Spiracles
B: Cuticle
C: Trachea
D: None of them

32: Which one of the following are organs of respiration in fish?
A: Skin
B: Gills
C: Lungs
D: Tracheal system

33: Absorption of oxygen from gills is an?
A: Passive process:
B: Active process
C: No energy-dependent process
D: All the these

34: Efficient gases exchange through water from gills is made possible by the process of?
A: Counter current flow
B: Increase intake of water by fish
C: By opening and closure of opercula
D: By highly vascular gills

35: Frog can exchange gases through?
A: Skin
B: Lungs
C: Buccal cavity
D: All the these

36: Larva of frog exchange gases from?
A: Skin
B: Gills
C: Lungs
D: Tracheal system

37: Ventilation in frogs is an example of a?
A: Incomplete ventilation
B: Complete ventilation
C: Active ventilation
D: Passive ventilation

38: Gases exchange in the frog is?
A: -ve pressure breathing
B: +Ve pressure breathing
C: Partial pressure breathing
D: None of these

39: Gases exchange from a buccal cavity is called?
A: Pulmonary respiration
B: Counter current respiration
C: Cutaneous respiration
D: Bucco – pharyngeal respiration

40: Birds exchange gases through?
A: Skin
B: Gills
C: Lungs
D: Tracheal system

41: Birds contain _ air sacs?
A: 1 – 2
B: 4 – 5
C: 3 – 4
D: 8 – 9

42: Ventilation in birds is an example of?
A: Incomplete ventilation
B: Complete ventilation
C: Active ventilation
D: Passive ventilation

43: Lungs of birds are divided into many, highly vascularized structures which are known as?
A: Alveoll
B: Parabronchi
C: Air sacs
D: All of these

44: The exchange of gases through the lungs is known as?
A: Pulmonary respiration
B: Counter current respiration
C: Cutaneous respiration
D: Bucco – pharyngeal respiration

45: Respiratory system of man is divided into?
A: 4 parts
B: 8 parts
C: 2 parts
D: 10 parts

46: Lungs are?
A: Paired organs
B: Spongy in nature
C: Soft
D: All of these

47: Lungs are enclosed in a membrane which is known as?
A: Pericardial membrane
B: Pleural membrane
C: Peritoneal membrane
D: Synovial membrane

48: Which one of the following functions is not performed by the pleural membrane?
A: Reduces friction
B: Protect lungs from trauma
C: Reduces the weight of the lung
D: All of these

49: Right lung is divided into _ and left Into _ lobes respectively?
A: One and two
B: Two and three
C: Three and two
D: Four and three

50: Air get entered the human body through?
A: Nose
B: Mouth
C: Pharynx
D: Larynx

51: Which one of the following is the correct pathway of air from the pharynx to the alveoli?
A: Nose -> pharynx-> larynx-> trachea -> bronchi -> alveoli:
B: Nose -> larynx -> trachea -> pharynx -> bronchi -> alveoli
C: Pharynx-> larynx-> trachea -> bronchi -> bronchiole -> alveoli
D: Mouth -> pharynx -> larynx -> bronchi -> alveoli

52: Which one of the following is not an air conditioning process of the nose?
A: Warming of the air
B: Moistening of air
C: Clearance of dust and bacteria
D: None of these

53: Larynx is also known as?
A: Syrnx
B: Voicebox
C: Soundbox
D: Both b and c

54: Food is unable to get enter in larynx because?
A: Opening of the glottis
B: Closure of esophagus
C: Closure of glottis by epiglottis
D: Both a and c

55: Why trachea does not become collapsed?
A: Due to the presence of mucus
B: Due to the presence of “C” shaped cartilage
C: Due to the movement of cilia
D: All of these

56: Through which mechanism trachea clear dust and bacteria?
A: Due to the absence of mucus
B: Due to “C” shaped cartilage
C: Due to movement of mucus by cilia
D: All of these

57: Mucus is produced by?
A: Mucus cells
B: Goblet cells
C: Ciliated cells
D: None of them

58: Which structure is considered as the respiratory surface of man?
A: Nose
B: Bronchus
C: Alveoli
D: Trachea

59: Why alveoli do not collapse during expiration?
A: Due to the presence of mucus
B: Due to the presence of cells
C: Due to the presence of fluid
D: Due to the presence of surfactant

60: In inspiration?
A: Diaphragm is flat and intercostal muscles are contracted
B: Diaphragm is dome shaped and intercostal muscles are contracted
C: Diaphragm is flat and intercostal muscles are relaxed
D: Diaphragm is relaxed and intercostal muscles are relaxed

61: What do you mean by inspiration?
A: Giving out of the air:
B: Taking in air
C: Entering of air in the mouth
D: Both b and c

62: What do you mean by expiration?
A: Giving of air outside the body
B: Taking in the air inside the body
C: Entering of air in the mouth
D: Entering of air in bronchus from alveoli

63: In expiration?
A: Diaphragm is flat and intercostal muscles are contracted
B: Diaphragm is dome shaped and intercostal muscles are contracted
C: Diaphragm is flat and intercostal muscles are relaxed
D: Diaphragm is relaxed and intercostal muscles are relaxed

64: Rate of breathing is in?
A: Voluntary control
B: Involuntary control
C: Both of these
D: None of these

65: Aortic and carotid bodies are sensitive to?
A: CO2 and O2
B: CO2 and H+
C: O2 and H2S
D: O2 and HCO3

66: Which chemical molecules are basic stimulants for increasing the rate of breathing?
A: CO2 and O2
B: CO2 and H+
C: O2 and H2S
D: O2 and HCO3

67: Oxygenated blood is?
A: Maroon in color
B: Blue in color
C: Purple in Color
D: Bright red in color

68: Deoxygenated blood is?
A: Maroon in color
B: Blue in color
C: Purple in Color
D: Bright red in color

69: Hb is _ containing protein?
A: Oxygen-containing protein
B: Iron-containing protein
C: Copper-containing protein
D: Both a and b

70: Hb reversible bind with oxygen to form?
A: Hemoglobin
B: Oxidized hemoglobin
C: Oxyhemoglobin
D: De oxyhemoglobin

71: When oxygen detaches from Hb, it is known as?
A: Hemoglobin
B: Oxidized hemoglobin
C: Oxyhemoglobin
D: De oxyhemoglobin

72: What normal amount of air that can be inhaled in a breath is called?
A: Tidal volume
B: Vital capacity
C: Residual volume
D: None of these

73: Maximum amount of breath that can be inhaled in a single breath is called?
A: Tidal volume
B: Vital capacity
C: Residual volume
D: None of these

74: What amount of air left inside the lungs after expiration is called?
A: Tidal volume
B: Vital capacity
C: Residual volume
D: None of these

75: When CO2 combines with Hb, it is known as?
A: Carb Hb
B: Carboxyhemoglobin
C: Carbon Hb
D: Carbaminohamoglobin

Gaseous Exchange MCQs End

Chapter 12 Nutrition MCQs

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