Best Transport MCQs Chapter 14 Class 11 Biology MCQs

Transport MCQs

Transportation MCQs Biology MCQs Class 11

Transport MCQs, If you are looking for Biology MCQs for class 11 chapter 14 then transport MCQs are here. These multiple-choice questions cover a wide range of topics, These transportation MCQs delve into the circulatory, respiratory MCQs, and excretory systems, challenging students to grasp the concepts thoroughly. By practicing these transportation MCQs regularly, students can gain a deeper understanding of how living organisms transport. These MDCAT MCQs, specifically designed for aspiring medical students and also for job seekers, demand a higher level of critical thinking and reasoning. To make the most of these resources, students must adopt an organized approach. Begin by revising the fundamental biology concepts from your textbooks and then gradually move on to solving 11 class biology MCQs. These biology MCQs cover class 11 chapter 14 transportation from the Book of sindh sindh textbook board As you progress, focus on topics related to transportation, as they are crucial for understanding advanced medical concepts. Allocate time each day for solving biology MCQs, attempting to increase both speed and accuracy. Make use of online platforms that offer a variety of biology MCQs class 11 related to transportation. These platforms provide instant feedback, helping you identify weak areas and reinforcing your understanding of the subject. These Bio MCQs will help you in the medical entrance test as well as board exams and class tests also these MDCAT MCQs, play a major role in your career. Visite for more Biology MCQs and also check out other subjects’ multiple choice questions PAK MCQs.

MDCAT MCQs From Transport MCQs Chapter 14.

1: movement of molecules from a region of higher concentrations to a lower concentration is called?
A. Facilitated diffusion
B. Osmosis
C. Diffusion
D. Active transport

2: on which of the following, rates of diffusion depend?
A. Concentration gradient
B. Size of molecules
C. Nature of molecules
D. All of these

3: diffusion of small molecules will be?
A. Faster
B. Slower
C. Very slow
D. All of these

4: in plants, transportation occurs at ______ levels?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

5: for plants, the soil is a source of?
A. Water
B. Minerals
C. Nitrogen
D. All these

6: The movement of molecules from higher concentrations to lower concentrations by the help of carrier proteins is called?
A. Facilitated diffusion
B. Osmosis
C. Diffusion
D. Active transport

7: carrier proteins are ______ in their structure?
A. No specific
B. Specific
C. Scientific
D. All of these

8: both diffusion and facilitated diffusion are examples of?
A. Active transport
B. Dependent transport
C. Plant Transport
D. Passive transport

9: diffusion of water molecules from a region of higher concentrations to a region of lower concentration through cell membranes is called?
A. Facilitated diffusion
B. Osmosis
C. Diffusion
D. Active transport

10: movement of molecules from lower concentration to higher concentration is called?
A. Facilitated diffusion
B. Osmosis
C. Diffusion
D. Active transport

11: active transport is an?
A. Passive process
B. Active process
C. Energy-dependent process
D. Both b and c

12: sodium-potassium pump is an example of?
A. Facilitated diffusion
B. Osmosis
C. Diffusion
D. Active transport

13: what are imbibitions?
A. Movement of molecules against a concentration gradient
B. Adsorption and swelling of hydrophilic substance by water
C. Movement of molecules with a concentration gradient
D. All of these

14: the difference between water molecules in pure water and in any other system is called?
A. Osmotic potential
B. Solute potential
C. Water potential
D. Non of these

15: pure water has a value of?
A. 0 MPa
B. 1 MPa
C. 2 MPa
D. 3 MPa

16: The tendency of a solution to diffuse into another medium is called?
A.  Osmotic potential
B. Solute potential
C. Water potential
D. Non of these

17: what is plasmolysis?
A. Exosmosis of water when placed in a hypotonic solution.
B. Exosmosis of water when placed in hypertonic solution.
C. Endosmosis of water when placed in a hypotonic solution
D. Endosmosis of water when placed in hypertonic solution.

18: reverse of plasmolysis is known as?
A. Reverse plasmolysis
B. Incipient plasmolysis
C. De plasmolysis
D. All of these

19: The point at which cytoplasm just starts to separate from the cell wall during plasmolysis is called?
A. Reverse plasmolysis
B. Incipient plasmolysis
C. De plasmolysis
D. All of these

20: the process of absorption of water from the root of hairs to the xylem is known as?
A. Central Transport
B. Horizontal transport
C. Vertical transport
D. Lateral transport

21: How many pathways are available for lateral transport?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

22: what do you mean by symplast?
A. Movement of sap from cell wall to cell wall.
B. Movement of sap from the cytoplasm to the cytoplasm through plasmodesmata.
C. Movement of water from the soil to the root.
D. Non of these

23: what is apoplast?
A. A. Movement of sap from cell wall to cell wall.
B. Movement of sap from the cytoplasm to the cytoplasm through plasmodesmata.
C. Movement of water from the soil to the root.
D. Non of these

24: movement through apoplast stops at endodermis due to the presence of?
A. Guard cells
B. Casparian strip
C. Pericycle
D. Both a and c

25: ______ is the only way to cross endodermis?
A. Cell-to-cell transport
B symplast
C. Apoplast
D. Casparian strip

26: The movement of sap through the hydrophilic cell walls of plant cells is called?
A. Cell-to-cell transport
B symplast
C. Apoplast
D. Casparian strip

27: movement of water molecules from absorptive surfaces of plants to transpiring surfaces of plants is known as?
A. Absorption
B. Transpiration
C. Ascent of sap
D. All of these

28: What is a pathway for an ascent of sap?
A. Phloem
B. Symplast
C. Apoplast
D. Xylem

29: xylem is a type of ________ tissue of plant?
A. Connective
B. Nervous
C. Muscular
D. Vascular

30: which force is responsible for the ascent of sap?
A. Root pressure
B. Transpiration pull
C. Both of these
D. Non of these

31: Root pressure is also responsible for?
A. Transpiration
B. Guttation
C. Plant Transport
D. Medial transport

32: Guttation takes place through?
A. Plasmodesmata
B. Stomata
C. Lenticels
D. Hydathodes

33: Root pressure was discovered by?
A. Robert Hooke
B. Stephen Hales’s
C. Robert brown
D. Grassi

34: What main force responsible for the ascent of sap is?
A. Root pressure
B. Transpiration pull
C. Both of these
D. Non of these

35: transpiration pull theory is also known as?
A. Dixon and Jolly’s theory
B. Theory of pull
C. Adhesion -cohesion – tension theory
D. All of these

36: Loss of water from the aerial parts of plants is known as?
A. Absorption
B. Transpiration
C. Ascent of sap
D. All of these

37: how many types of transpiration are there?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

38: which one of the following is not a type of transpiration?
A. Mesenchymal
B. Cuticular
C. Stomatal
D. Lenticular

39: _______ is a main type of transpiration?
A. Stomatal
B. Cuticular
C. Mesenchymal
D. Lenticular

40: stomata are closed at _______ and open at ________ respectively?
A. Noon, evening
B. Night, noon
C. Morning, night
D. Night, day

41: guard cells become open when?
A. They become a turgid
B. When K+ ions are pumped inside
C. During daytime
D. All of these

42: which one of the following factors will decrease the rate of transpiration?
A. Humidity
B. Wind
C. Temperature
D. Sunlight

43: which one of the following factors will increase the rate of transpiration?
A. Humidity
B. Wind
C. Temperature
D. Sunlight
E. All except a

44: which of the following is not an advantage of transpiration?
A. Cools down plant body
B. Remove excessive water
C. Can cause the death of a plant
D. Help in the absorption of water
E. Non of these

45: Which one of the following is an advantage of transpiration?
A.  Cools down plant body
B. Remove excessive water
C. Can cause the death of the plant
D. Help in the absorption of water
E. All of these

46: movement of products of photosynthesis from leaves to other parts of the body is known as?
A. Absorption
B. Transpiration
C. Ascent of sap
D. Non of these

47: _______ is a pathway of translocation of food?
A. Phloem
B. Symplast
C. Apoplast
D. Xylem

48: phloem translocation is also known as?
A. Sink-to-sink movement
B. Source to sink movement
C. Source-to-source movement
D. Upward to downward movement

49: the process in which sucrose is transported to the vicinity of the sleeve elements is called?
A. Phloem loading
B. Long-distance transport
C. Phloem unloading
D. Short-distance transport
E. Both a and b

50: the process in which sucrose is unloaded at the sink is called?
A. Phloem loading
B. Long-distance transport
C. Phloem unloading
D. Short-distance transport
E. Both b and c

51: In amoeba, transportation occurs by the process of?
A. Diffusion
B. Osmosis
C. Facilitated diffusion
D. Active transport

52: In unicellular living organisms, excretion of metabolic waste occurs by the help of?
A. Osmosis
B. Active transport
C. Endosmosis
D. Diffusion

53: Transportation in Hydra takes place by?
A. General body surface
B. Digestive cavity
C. Coelenteron
D. All of these

54: In planaria, highly branched intestines serve the purpose of?
A. Respiration
B. Exchange of gases
C. Transportation of food
D. Excretion

55: Excretion in planaria takes place with the help of?
A. General body surface
B. Flame cells
C. Diffusion
D. Kidneys

56: A system that provides a rapid mass flow of materials is called a?
A. Respiratory system
B. Circulatory system
C. Excretory system
D. Non of these

57: what is the purpose of the circulatory system?
A. Transport substances
B. Transport gases
C. Transport waste material
D. All of these

58: which one of the following is the general property of the circulatory system?
A. Presences of valves
B. Presence of heart
C. Presence of vessels
D. All of these

59: How many types of circulatory systems are there?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five

60: In the open type of circulatory system blood flow in?
A. Blood sinuses
B. Cavity
C. Hemocoel
D. Non of these
E. All of these

61: in the open type of circulatory system, there is no difference between
A. Plasma and cells
B. Blood and interstitial fluid 
C. Blood and hemolymph
D. Both b and c

62: the blood of the open type of circulatory system is also known as?
A. Plasma
B. Hemocoel
C. Hemolymph
D. All of these

63: blood pressure in open type circulatory system is?
A. Fairly controlled
B. Poorly controlled
C. Well maintained
D. Very high

64: heart pumps blood in hemocoel in ________ type circulatory system?
A. Open-type
B. Close type
C. Both of these
D. Non of these

65: arthropods and mollusks have ______ type circulatory system?
A. Open-type
B. Close type
C. Both of these
D. Non of these

66: A type of circulatory system in which blood flows in blood vessels is called?
A. Close-type circulatory system
B. Open-type circulatory system
C. Non of them
D. Both of these

67: In the close type of circulatory system, blood is distinguished from?
A. plasma
B. Interstitial fluid
C. Hemolymph
D. Both b and c

68: In the close type of circulatory system blood pressure is?
A. Fairly controlled
B. Poorly controlled
C. Well maintained
D. Very high
E. Both A and c

69: A type of circulatory system in which the heart pumps blood in arteries is called?
A. Close-type circulatory system
B. Open-type circulatory system
C. Non of them
D. Both of these

70: circulatory system of chordates is?
A. Open type
B. Close type
C. Both of these
D. Non of these

71: closed type circulatory system is divided into two types on the basis of?
A. Number of arteries in the body
B. No circulation through the lungs
C. Number of organs supplied
D. Non of these

72: in a single circuit plan, blood flows ______ through the heart.
A. Once
B. Twice
C. Thrice
D. Four times

73: A close type of circulatory system in which blood flows twice through the heart is called?
A. Single circuit plan
B. Double circuit plan
C. Triple circuit plan
D. All of these

74: circulation in a double circuit plan is divided into?
A. Systemic and systemic
B. Pulmonary and pulmonary
C. Modified and primitive
D. Systemic and pulmonary

75: A type of double circuit plan in which oxygenated blood mixes with deoxygenated one is called?
A. Complete double circuit plan
B. Incomplete double circuit plan
C. Both of these
D. Non of these

76: what is a complete double-circuit plan?
A. In which oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are mixed together
B. In which deoxygenated and oxygenated blood are mixed together.
C. In which oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are not mixed together.
D. Non of these

77: a system of vessels by which blood flows to all parts of the body except the lungs is called?
A. Pulmonary circulation
B. Systemic circulation
C. G I circulation
D. Non of these

78: what do you mean by pulmonary circulation?
A. A part of circulation that delivers blood to the heart.
B. A part of circulation that delivers blood to the stomach.
C. A part of circulation that delivers blood to the liver.
D. A part of circulation that delivers blood to the lungs

79: what is blood?
A. Viscous fluid
B. Transporter of substances
C. Usually red in color
D. All of these

80: which one of the following is the right composition of blood?
A. 40% plasma and 60% cells
B. 55% plasma and 45% cells
C. 55% cells and 45% plasma
D. 80% plasma and 20% cells

81: what is plasma?
A. Non-cellular part of blood
B. Liquid part of blood
C. Main transporter of substances
D. All of these

82: which one of the following is not a part of plasma?
A. Proteins
B. Minerals
C. Hemoglobin
D. Hormones

83: blood is pumped by?
A. Arteries
B. Veins
C. Capillaries
D. Heart

84: which one of the following is not a component of blood cells?
C. Goblet cells
D. Platelets

85: RBC is?
A. Biconcave
B. Disc like
C. Microscopic
D. All of these

86: RBCs are formed by?
A. Bone marrow
B. Spleen
C. Liver
D. Stomach

87: the average life of RBC is?
A. 100 days
B. 110 days
C. 120 days
D. 130 days

88: Hemoglobin, a red color protein is found in _____  of blood.
C. Goblet cells
D. Platelets

89: blood when combined with oxygen is known as?
A. Red blood
B. Oxygenated blood
C. Deoxygenated blood
D. Good blood

90: WBC are ______ cells of the body?
A. Sweeper
B. Defense
C. Extra
D. Protein forming

91: WBC can be divided into ______ classes?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five

92: Neutrophils, Eosinophils, and basophils are?
A. Granulocytes
B. Agranulocytes
C. Both of these
D. Non of these

93: Agranulocytes include?
A. Monocytes
B. Neutrophils
C. Lymphocytes
D. Both A and c

94: WBC is formed in?
A. Bone marrow
B. Thymus
C. Spleen
D. Lymph nodes
E. All of these

95: neutrophils and monocytes are _____ cells?
A. Granulocytes
B. Phagocytic cells
C. A granulocytes
D. Both a and b

96: antitoxins, histamine, and heparin are produced by?
A. Eosinophils
B. Basophils
C. Lymphocytes
D. All of these

97: platelets are fragments of?
A. Erythroblast cells
B. Microkaryocytes
C. Colony-forming cells
D. Megakaryocytes

98: which cells of blood help in blood clotting?
C. Goblet cells
D. Platelets

99: which one of the following is not a function of blood?
A. Transport of gases
B. Defense of body
C. Transport of hormones
D. Prevention of its own loss
E. Non of these

100: Human heart is of ______ shape?
A. Rectangular
B. Conical
C. Square
D. All of these

101: the human heart is covered by a tough membrane of connective tissue which is known as?
A. Pleural membrane
C.Pericardial membrane
D.Periheart membrane
E.Both c and d

102:two upper chambers of the human heart are known as?
D.Both a and c
E.None of these

103:Two lower chambers of the human heart are known as?
D.Both a and c
E.None of these

104:Atria are separated from ventricles through?
A.Inter atrial septum
B.Inter ventricular septum
D.Atriventcular septum

105: Right ventricle is separated from the left ventricle through?
A.Inter atrial septum 
B.Inter ventricular septum
C.ventriculoatrial septum
D.Atrioventricular septum

106:left atrium is separated from the right atrium through?
A.Inter article septum
B.Inter ventricular septum
C.ventriculoatrial septum
D.Atrioventricular septum

107: Connection b/w right atrium and right ventricles is guarded by?
A. Mitral valve
B.Tricuspid valve
C. Bicuspid valve
D.Both b and c

108: the connection between the left ventricle and the left atrium is guarded by?
A.Mitral valve
B.Tricuspid valve
C.Bicuspid valve
D.Both a and c

109: Rhythmic contraction of the heart muscle is known as?
A. Heartbeats
B.Cardiac cycle
C.cardiac murmur
D.Both a and c 

110: phase of the cardiac cycle in which heart muscles are in a contracted state is known as?
A. Atrial systole
B. Systole
C. Ventricular systole
D. All of these

111: A phase of the cardiac cycle in which heart muscles are in a relaxed state is known as?
A. Ventricular systole
B. Diastole
C. Atrial systole
D. All of these

112: the amount of blood pumped by the heart/min is called?
A. Cardiac function
B. Cardiac input
C. Heart output
D. Cardiac output

113: stimulus for the contraction of heart muscles is generated from?
A. SA node
B. AV node
C. Pacemaker
D. Both A and c
E. All of above

114: heart sounds originate from?
A. Closure of mitral valve
B. Closure of tricuspid valve
C. Closure of aortic valve
D. Closure of pulmonary valve
E. All of these

115: blood vessels are?
A. Components of the circulatory system
B. Contain blood
C. Tube-like structures
D. All of these

116: which one of the following is a property of an artery?
A. Thick walled
B. Having a narrow lumen
C. Contain elastic tissue
D. Deeply seated
E. All of these

117: artery usually carries oxygenated blood except?
A. Umbilical artery
B. Pulmonary artery
C. Carotid artery
D. Femoral artery

118: arteries are _____ in nature?
A. Nonpulsatile
B. Pulsatile in nature
C. Both of these
D. Non of these

119: smaller arteries are known as?
A. Small artery
B. Venules
C. Arterioles
D. Both a and c

120: which blood vessels do not collapse when empty?
A. Artery
B. Vein
C. Capillary
D. All of these

121: blood vessels that usually carry deoxygenated blood are known as?
A. Artery
B. Vein
C. Capillary
D. All of these

122: vein contains ______ to prevent backflow of blood?
A. Locks
B. Checkpoints
C. Valves
D. All of these

123: pulmonary veins contain _______ blood instead of _______ blood?
A. Oxygenated, deoxygenated
B. Red, maroon
C. Deoxygenated, oxygenated
D. Both a and b

124: which one of the following is not a property of a vein?
A. Thick walled
B. Having a narrow lumen
C. Contain elastic tissue
D. Deeply seated
E. Non of these

125: smallest blood vessels are known as?
A. Artery
B. Vein
C. Capillary
D. All of these

126: capillaries are sites of?
A. Transportation of substances between the liver and intestine
B. Transportation of substances between cells and blood
C. Transportation of substances between the brain and spinal cord
D. Non of these

127: the hydrostatic force exerted by blood on the unit area of a vessel is called?
A. Partial pressure
B. Complete pressure
C. Diffusion pressure
D. Blood pressure

128: blood pressure is measured by an instrument called?
A. Stethoscope
B. Thermometer
C. Otoscope
D. Sphygmomanometer

129: normal expression of blood pressure is?
A. 80/120 mmHg
B. 100/120 mmHg
C. 120/70 mmHg
D. 120/80 mmHg

130: the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is known as?
A. Systolic pressure
B. Diastolic pressure
C. Pulse pressure
D. All of these

131: A system that drains lymph again in the blood is known as?
A. Circulatory system
B. Respiratory system
C. Excretory system
D. Lymphatic system

132: which one of the following is not a component of the lymphatic system?
A. Lymph
B. Lymphatic capillaries
C. Lymphatic vessels
D. Lymph nodes
E. Non of these

133: the lymphatic system starts with ______?
A. Lymph
B. Lymphatic capillaries
C. Lymphatic vessels
D. Lymph nodes

134: lymphatic capillaries are merged together to form?
A. Lymph
B. Lymphatic capillaries
C. Lymphatic vessels
D. Lymph nodes

135: which one of the following is not a component of lymph?
B. Proteins
C. Minerals

136: lymph nodes are?
A. Variable in size
B. Enclosed by a fibrous capsule
C. Act as checkpoints
D. All of them

137: which one of the following is not a function of the lymphatic system?
A. Drainage of waste
B. Transport of gases
C. Defense of body
D. Absorption of fats

138: A system that protects us from microorganisms, abnormal cells of the body, etc is termed a?
A. Immunity
B. Defense system
C. Protection system
D. Immune system

139: study of the immune system is called?
A. Immunity
B. Hematology
C. Immunology
D. Hepatology

140: immune system can be divided into?
A. Two types
B. Three types
C. Four types
D. Non of these

141: which one of the following is not a part of an immune system?
B. Complement proteins
D. Phagocytic cells

142: which type of immunity forms the 1st and 2nd lines of defense?
A. Acquired immunity
B. Innate immunity
C. Cell-mediated immunity
D. Humoral immunity

143: which of the following is (are) cell(s) of innate immunity?
A. Neutrophils
B. Monocytes
C. Macrophages
D. All of these

144: what do you mean by the adaptive immune system?
A. A type of immune system that is acquired during life
B. A type of immune system that is inborn in nature
C. A type of immune system that is developed after exposure to germs
D. Both A and c

145: the adaptive immune system is mediated by?
A. Neutrophils
B. Monocytes
C. Basophils
D. Lymphocytes

146: adaptive immune system can be divided into?
A. Two types
B. Three types
C. Four types
D. Non of these

147: humoral immunity is ______ mediated immunity?
A. T lymphocytes
B. B lymphocytes
C. Antibody
D. Non of them

148: cell-mediated immunity is formed by?
A. T lymphocytes
B. B lymphocytes
C. Antibody
D. Non of them

149: what do you mean by primary and secondary immune response?
A. Which occurs on 2nd and 3rd exposure of microorganism.
B. Which occurs on 2nd and 1st exposure of microorganism.
C. Which occurs on 1st and 2nd exposure of microorganism.
D. None of these

150: what is active immunity?
A. Immunity acquired by another person.
B. Immunity acquired by an active immune response
C. Occurs due to the occurrence of natural infection
D. Both b and c

151: immunity that depends upon the transportation of antibodies from another person is called?
A. Active immunity
B. Passive immunity
C. Immunization
D. Non of them

152: A process in which immunity is provided as a preventive measure is called?
A. Active immunity
B. Passive immunity
C. Immunization
D. Non of them

153: Do veins contain _____ to prevent backflow of blood?
A. Checkpoints
B. Valves
C. Both of them
D. None of these

154: human heart beats ______ times/min?
A. 70
B. 74
C. 72
D. 76

155: A group of cells, which generate electrical current for the contraction of the heart is known as?
A. A-V nodes
B. Bundle of His
C. Purkinje fibers
D. S – A nodes

156: S – A node is also known as a?
A. Pacemaker
B. Speed maker
C. Rapid beater
D. Non of them

157: The heart is made up of?
A. Smooth muscles
B. Skeletal muscles
C. Cardiac muscles
D. Non of them

158: loss of blood is known as?
A. Hematoma
B. Hemorrhage
C. Blood loss
D. All of them

159: immunity which is introduced artificially in the body by introducing antibodies is called?
A. Active immunity
B. Passive immunity
C. Immunization
D. None of them

160: A foreign substance that elicits an immune response is called?
A. Antigen
B. Antibody
C. Foreign molecules
D. None of them

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