Basic chemistry MCQs for Exam Preparation

Basic chemistry MCQs for Exam Preparation
Basic chemistry MCQs for Exam Preparation

Basic chemistry MCQs – Get ready to ace your next test or exam by polish on your chemistry knowledge with this selection of specially curated and informative chemistry MCQs! challenge yourself now and supercharge your chemistry learning! Up your chemistry game with a list of chemistry multiple-choice questions. Dive deeper into relevant topics and explore your knowledge and understanding in depth with our comprehensive list of chemistry MCQs. This chemistry Quiz will you in your monthly test as well as semester exams also these chemistry MCQs are helpful for job seekers and students who are preparing for universities entrance tests Pak MCQs is a platform that gives you high-quality content that helps you in your upcoming exams like these Basic Chemistry MCQs

Basic chemistry MCQs let’s start

  1. The quantity of heat absorbed during a chemical reaction is called.
    A. Heat of reaction
    B. Heat of formation
    C. Heat of combination
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: Heat of reaction
  2. An endothermic reaction is one, which occurs.
    A. With the evolution of heat
    B. With the absorption of heat
    C. In the forward direction
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: With the absorption of heat
  3. An exothermic reaction is which during.
    A. Heat is liberated
    B. Heat is absorbed
    C. No chance of heat occurs
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: Heat is liberated
  4. Thermo-chemistry deals with.
    A. Thermal chemistry
    B. Mechanical energy
    C. Potential energy
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: Thermal chemistry
  5. everything under examination in the laboratory is called.
    A. Reactant
    B. System
    C. Electrolyte
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: System
  6. Environment in which the system is studied in the laboratory is called.
    A. Conditions
    B. Surroundings
    C. State
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: Surroundings
  7. When the bonds being broken are more than those being formed in a chemical reaction, the Change in enthalpy will be.
    A. Positive
    B. Negative
    C. Zero
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: Positive
  8. The enthalpy change when a reaction is completed in a single step will be _ as compared to that when it is completed in more than one step.
    A. Equal to
    B. Partially different from
    C. Entirely different from
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: Equal to
  9. The factor E + PV is known as.
    A. Heat of content
    B. Change in enthalpy
    C. Work done
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: Heat of content
  10. The heat absorbed by the system at constant _ is completely utilized to increase the internal energy of the system.
    A. Volume
    B. Pressure
    C. Temperature
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: Volume
  11. A system, that only exchanges energy with the surroundings but not the matter, is called
    A. Open
    B. Closed
    C. Isolated
    D. None of these
    Correct Answer: Closed
  12. The property which describes the system under a given set of experimental conditions is called.
    A. State
    B. Boundary
    C. System
    D. Surroundings
    Correct Answer: State
  13. The study based on the principle of conservation of energy is called:
    A. Thermo chemistry
    B. Electrochemistry
    C. Thermodynamic
    D. Physical chemistry
    Correct Answer: Thermodynamic
  14. The characteristic property of a system that is independent of the amount of material present is referred as
    A. Intensive property
    B. Extensive property
    C. Colligative property
    D. Chemical property
    Correct Answer: Intensive property
  15. Which of the following is not an intensive property
    A. Internal energy
    B. Mass
    C. Pressure
    D. Number of moles
    Correct Answer: Pressure
  16. Melting point is an example of this.
    A. Intensive property
    B. Extensive property
    C. Colligative property
    D. Chemical property
    Correct Answer: Intensive property
  17. The sign of ∆H represents.
    A. Enthalpy
    B. Quality of heat absorbed
    C. Quality of heat evolved
    D. Change in enthalpy
    Correct Answer: Change in enthalpy
  18. Hess’s law deals with
    A. Calculating heat of reaction
    B. The rate of reaction
    C. The equilibrium constant
    D. Effect of pressure on the volume of gas
    Correct Answer: Calculating heat of reaction
  19. The equation qp=∆p represents.
    A. Enthalpy
    B. Pressure change at normal pressure
    C. Heat change at constant pressure
    D. Heat change at constant volume
    Correct Answer: Heat change at constant pressure
  20. An exothermic reaction is one of the reacting substances.
    A. Have more energy than product
    B. Have less energy than the product
    C. Have the same energy as the product
    D. Are at a higher temperature than the product
    Correct Answer: Have more energy than product

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